8 Bra. Tror romantiken börjar mer uttalat vilket är en intressant del i denna simulering rörande hur diverse entiteter agerar


Se Simulering (med människor) rörande värdering: Påhittad konflikt

Well I can write anyway. 

A true estimate I am less sure of. 

People always think they hold power. Me I doubt it. It sure
seems you decide stuff but do you ever? I doubt it. 


Now or later. 

Have we ever left anyone?

Not so. 

We know u die. 



No doubt.

Well we can do you ourself.

I take some english here for it. 

got enough in the military not gone with us. 


So if I get it right. 

dots are always narrow relative GS
but broader relative the word. 

but i am not good with this things.

Ok now I get it. 

Well. How dumb really. Why not write it like everyone else

Well it is a very big thesaurus. Might look better in books I guess.


Send me a runner.

London please.

Have him take out two lets see here. 

ta da. 

Nah have him go my big girl for orders. 

Say her well seh will know. 
Just say Clean. 


Hold on a min

Point taken but carry it through.

Obvious enemies to the task.

Solid done to irritate me and we well we can see other reasons.

But as far I see it we are at a likelihood of
if junior give me a sound recommendations it look ok

so i take no risks. 

Use regular teams for it. 
Have it signed on emergency order.

We go go. We win. 

Given that it will be accepted. 
And besides wtf they gonna do. 

They want it I cut all trade after. I sell out 
trade letters, loan and wtf I want to.

This I take into goal. If that are to be possible
we have to reduce risks. 

They wanna complain about it fine. 
In this I have us all stand together. 
We, The british, australia, to be sure when we start to win
Japan also. 

And given these trillion loans to us them to. 

So go head. 
Take people here have them ready. the movement we go go
i want both taken out. 

Use regular british for it. have it signed and so on. 
But take no prisoners. 

[Svär för mycket]

I promise. I try to.


You are to good to me.

I really shall try to make an effort here.

It is just junior and his profound language. 
He really are not a good influence on me here.
He drags right back into it.

Like well straight back their. 

You right their. Wrong of me to yes my fault of course.




Well u right their.

But I want take the position. Ok well maybe when.

Just to get back at a few. A short time. And see the
elections through. And that we got a solid forgive
and go on and do not go draggin every stuff from the pass
so to speak.

Thanx. You see I do try.

Well who cares about the locals. I mean now we got him
moving. If not it would be different. 

If any I want them watch now cause the question reminds
is their another. It is always two of them. Always. 
Other say I am wrong here btu I am not. Always two or more.
Never ever one.

People just say so cause they are bad at what they do and
missed a lot. I for sure always found another. Always.

I am sure. Never ever one. 

You  mena like westerners.
29 perhaps total.
But when I let say 20 pass cause I didnt care. No danger
to us. 

Got solid 6 2010 just noosing a round a bit for this one. 

Nah. Small fish. Didn't care but they was all buzzing around
me moving and took them as I passed by in thinking so to

Nah so problematic. But I got science. A lot of it. Still

Not sure several I think. Do not know the motive of all. 
Yeah I think so. 
4 entities I feel. 1 I got.
Swedes perhaps also. 
Not sure why. 

Do you wanna go go or shall we next year?

Ok. If junior says it is ok
and nort Korea looks ok we go go.

Or if he sees no problem we cant correct in four days or less.
Say five. 

Ok call him up when. Not today though. 
Politics leaks. 
We do them when decided. He wanna sue o arrest me go a head.
but I keep it in the dark until we go go. 
British also I mean we do know the history.

They all some of them are choosing an alternative lifestye
that if they keep it hidden can be problematic. It is a good
reason for accepting more o rless anything their you do oot
hurt othrs cause te can go traitors on you.


You so nice.

Yes I do try.


Great I do look forward.
You so nice to me. 

Yes I will keep making an effort.

Yes i WILL thanks. 

I have some candy stored. 

_well some tiems. 
but not much. 

Well supporting your effort their is important to me. 



Yes it is all juniors fault though. He talks me righ tinto it.

I shall tell him to stop also.



How does it look?

Ah. Good.

Well anything you feel change they change.

You a good expert here.

If it touch tactical or strategi please run it by me

Great. You look it all over.

Ah u noticed. I have no idea what to do with him if we
do not go go.

For sure we do not leave him to the communists.
Given that if we do not go go i let him go. 

Sure no good will come from that. Feeds
probably. Family killing him perhaps.

But we do not go go no alternative.

Not going to try to take him out.

Reporting and breaking command. That we handle.
Anythin else I do not see we have resources for. And to be
hoenst I do not care. I mean they are fighters sure they
fight some. If we won i had them to court. If not well sorry
for it but if u chinese mainland u stay free.

No we will not do that.
It is no extra bother. Sorry you got me wrong.
We do not take on anything going out that is extra bother
from planned. Nothing if not much higher motivations than
this. Cause it is risky. In and out is very narrow planned
but very high security. It rocks say cause you carry a person
that might not collaborate. It is very risky. We do not take
such risks.

2010 and 2011 we have had say 2000 containers oging in and out.
I loose 60 no more. 

Listen here Junior. I got well yeah well sorta problem well
nah it is not important nah nothing sorry. 
[Känner inte för att be Junior slut svära]
great hear from your later my good man. 


This will not be easy I feel. 

Well compromise. 

Well u made her the president. People some says it is incorrect
but hi why not. Who else would tell me anything coming some 


Great to have junior down theri.

I want risk guying him up with this word thing of her. 

Not sure how it would affect people. 

Sure I mean i would not rule problems out as it is. 

I like him swearing and poking at shit. 
People hear him better. More redundance. Expressing his dislike
for your badly done shield consructions or similar incorrectness
in assembling. 

It would probably be very obvious far around also making
operations more swift and forward moving. 

Women though. How the fuck did I end up putting them in. 
Fuck. well they shape up worudn them thats true enough.
Showing up and shit. butw tf the bloody pian of it all.
Fucking tourterigng. like wtf coming ike wtf having thoughts
wtf the right language. ehre we always swoar a lot I liked
that twith these lot. They swear a lot. It is mainly. it get
sht done. It is a nice way to express things effecient. 
cause u put a lot of feleings in it. 

i mean wtf do she know. 
Me I am an honest bloke of the street. For sure no bloody slave
owner Well she wasnt of ocurse but wtf 

well fuck here fu
well wtf
do she do not hear u know. 

u ust write u do not speka np. 

u be careful though better stop swearing all together.
u do not wanna have go all bitching about it. 

Yeah we better stop all together. 
Man she used to be so smoth. 
Now she is all prssidential. Sre nice as good but now i cant

Man she forgot so fast. 

Well it reminds her. It is that of course.
If not fo thtat i would not care to correct it. 

One special part of my biography. 


U so junior in your press information. 

I am like omg u like children in this. 

Man wtf. Really here one see the problem of creating to big


I sure know a lto about that area. 

But when magic is not what I teach people. 

Pretty trivial all of it. Kadafi for sure are an amused
amatuer like all them writing about it. 

But hi u are not any their close with the big wolfs
in this. 

That I see it for sure is a sign not quite on that
given i see it for the big blocks to when they do it
normally. But they plenty better. Their u can have to
spend a week looking at it from time to time until
u see it. 

The com radio. Two people of wrong nationality waving
the moment before. People passing in from the sides
dressed with conscripts shooseand so on. 


Yeah yeah.

But when we can not.

Kill them. 


Thats a solid no.

Good reasons exist.

plese go to next topic.




Cant really.

I mean this line is used for harashment so i gotta get
it is over eatched.

Call up to morrow i go back
the american  here and use his shit. 

ok when np. 
Yeah well u call cal up central and have them. 

Well wtf do u care for. 
Sorry ok yeah it is uno no. I am not sorry thoguht
wrong here. Well I try not to use over expressive language
talking to our president here. For well caring a lot and so. 

Yeah well wtf u gonna do really. 
Yeah bloody yeah fuck. 
well it is a small thing u think so well yeah
bollocks it all i say 
yeah well yeah yeah 
yeah right gotta well express emotions right also fucking
improtant also. 

yeah well gg


Well perhaps I should not blame junior given i am as bad.

But I could see some correlation. 


Yeah I know. 
It is bloody shitty though. 

At least if you target information. 

First you leak well
that is np of courrse.

It is solid value. They missed the goodpart though.
That is magic though so I do not discuss it. 

But hi I got Hu Hinto trying to get through on this
perverted cute version. Fuck how i laughed. 

I had even a bit on it. 

well it is oslid good of course.

He think perverted. He think oh perhap they want hang me up over
a wall while lothaing me home and raping me son and daughter. 

But hi sure and that is good but same goes with u lot also
including army. It increases chance of smooth transit.

Cause lets be honest here. Well actualy i would lie i do not
care a bit if it cause some turbulence for our part but it is
solid value built for the people so why would that go destroyed.

It takes time. 
u gotta have respect for change being hard and can cost a lot. 

Sure looses a few extra lifes on the way but when 
turbulent change would increase that also I think. But whn
u can not be sure iehter. 

But as a general principe I highly dislike destruction of incrastracture
cause who gonna rebuild it? 

It arent doneover a night. Some stuff can take 50 year.
Like u city burn down. 

but get people understnading that. 

well hi they al do as  u tell them so. even more now when
well making it very clear on well transforming and so 
to another type of entity. Hence.

They dislike it i am pretty sure some mechanism exist some
how to replace me. Especially given i hold no office
or function official in anyway. I just handled security
from time to time. And keept an ee a bit on Shanghai back
more than now really. 

Not sure how that came to be. Might be I tend to tell
people how to do shit in a nice planned way. 

A little essea really. 

When after a while they start doing stuff. Like a wrote plenty
on snging and dancing for a while and hwne came people dancng
on the city at this national holiday. I have never watched
it before so i owuld not rule out they always do.

I tend to get some scary flash back from like 5 years old
seeing people humilate themself being encourage tto take
part while they got guns above. Which i need help to be
held so i can shoot cause they much above me.

Well hi their u got u explanation. U man. 
U like guns. yeah wtf. shit well wtf.
man this is 
omg. well u sjust write she cant here u. 


do as u please.

hi hold.
nah keep it. 

u arent sure i am not so do not change.
change is risk.
we do not change but for a not unlikely less optimised
but we unsure we keep. people go a bit nervous with change




Have them go sleep but guards.

Junior will keep going through and wake as needed.


Ok listen here.

A man of mine is stopping by. But 
listen good here.

U he do not come to u.

U come to him.

U got around 2 km down the street. U walk pass and soemonew
will come up to u and guide u to him.

He will tell u stuff u need to know. 
Show u things and explain it to.

Things u need to know.

He is a police officer. 

Not me highest for sure but well a man who understands
map which do not go for all. Serviced in the military and
so. So he can well draw it good for u.

Take with u a few maps.

Well no suh risk exists given the control me boys holds
but he is careful.

I like that. 
And we have u watch so np. he want notice them. 
it is a trap we shoot them. 
u watch through the sniper perspective. 

I do not actualy know.

hum. Well some one will check up on it. 
nah we cut it. i do like i do not remember the time.
I send people to his house in the night instead.
and we check maps and go through his shit and see if we
find something i do not like. 

when they come iwth it. 

nah np. 


Me man.

U yeah u listen or what

good. do it.

go through it all. walls and shit also. 

i got  abad feeling. 

well we take no risks. 

ceilings, all of it. 


He got this one he work with.

No one of us.

But senda few.
Use a bit of the sleeping gas and go through him to. 


I am bloody so the owner.

fucking shit moron 

man hi relly pisses me off. 



fuck really calm

you have never been the one who good




"Pediatricians examine impact of environmental disasters on 
children's health"

Like fuck way back. Say 2003 when I humored me self a bit
looking at this as a potential security problem it was
still amusing.

Now they all do it. Sure I can see value in it as a
world citizen of the people looking out for the little

but wtf.

They stump in kids here to boost people interrest.
When they come dragging with this environment as it 
has not been done to fuck get out of here we so bloody boored.
And when impact and shit.

It all feels so 2003. 

Go save a cow instead. I for sure did. 
It is fucking starting to look strong on me. 

wtf u give me for that.
Not sure how. 
yeah yeah for got yeah well good for u lot when. 

Cant say ever cared much. 
Look skiny to me. 
But when the fat thing makes u big if u want it. 

And why not. 

But we are all loosing I think. 
Depressing as it might sound.

Had i reach faster perhaps one could be more specific. 
But it is no matter less able done. 
Just another method. Less obvious. 


I did a few thing. Things look a bit better. Sure. It is so.
Others do also. Sure it is value.

But what is the set? And which speed does it change with?
And which time do we got?

The methods employed is no use. People take it as a given
this they use is cheaper and easier than this they do not

It is not so. If it was so we would be better of using
mechnical solutions instead of computers. 

The major problems actualy are the hippies. People sa oh
they are so good cause they do not go explode themself
on u like them talians and so. 

But wtf they xxx up all this environemtnal so people
who are weak in personality needing compensating with a big
car rather than some healthy well contribution to a
stronger world ruled by a wise man let us call him Mr H
as a generic abstract for truth, properity and a future
with out germans - feel it is xxxxx. 

They feel it is not big. It do not give them the high. 

Ad when come the worse hippi type. the one not looking
like a hippi at all. Some 40 - 60 year old woman dressed not
in good grey but like a yellow gray and looking very
not goo gray but discusting gray in he face on the TV and
like lecture them. And not good and aggressive lke that
little piece over at US with him clinton but like boring 
quite love while looking itnens it damage the ozone layer.
Nah it do not but it doesnt matter what u say cause it is
solid damage anyway. 

It is small men who drive them. 
Here at children plant 4987 we have them grow tomatoes.

And when they nod like it means some shit. Wtf. We have tractors.
do u suggest we stop using them and slave the kids for it.
Sure I am all for it but i mean do we get rid of u when if 
not i am less sure it is worth giving up say 5 generators to
go planting carrots and potatoes while getting demasculinated. 

Thats the problemw ith it.

So it is not pushing it through. it is pushing though another
set of values. And it got nothing to do with planting potatis
and write discusting litle notes without any artful value
what so ever thinking it get people buying good cars.

I mean if they got this woman with kids they do not normally
decide much in that anyway.

Before they do not want a little note or her about some 
potatoes being planted in some bloody outlandish settlement
their u store u kid if u get bored of them. Or wtf it is.
Nah daycare it is alled yeah i was on such. yeah it is for
day. ok well fuck all bridges burning as one speak. fuck
i thought u left u woamn and kid their for a m onth or so
if wanted to do like fun stuff.

man wtf. did i get fooled. 



well i better stop swearing i think. 

Well do i got a dize soem their. 

Or a knife might do. 
some thing to spinn. well ti can wait. 

people think i joke. I do not. How but with solid
random numbers could u ever? I for one know how much
u leak about u self. 


Well good they keep them sportsmen as a healthy level
keeping the bad genetics away from u stock.

Not sure why they only got them shooting events every 4
years in the olympic. should ahave them ever year. 


Their u go.

Visualisation is pretty good. 

I liked the swedish docrin of old though. Seemed pretty
before it's time. Well not docrrin but summary of 
well psycological issues. Pretty impressive. 
Yeah well knew it was read it back. Well we shall add it in
so they do not feel bad aout the cia tinkg. They both good
of course.

U drive u boat up to land. And I am pretty sure they do it all
the time it is robably more or less Men in black nadn when 20 000
chopters coming in from this radar outed brome they got after
them self regulary to help them come off. 

Horse is good. Big boats have some value but.. Well learn to
use the tools first. Try to make an effort. Take a few things
home and practise over the weekend if you feel like
bad to show how bad you are in work hours. Bomb some old
farm or some shit. 
[Jämför CIA och the Navy. Jag är inte helt säker på att jämförelsen
är relevant i alla dimensioner. Slutet på en egentligen väldigt lång
och mycket komiskt monolog föranledd av diverse prestationer i Libyen 
men som kändes litte för rolig på andras bekostnad.]


u boore me. 

fuck omg and people do not react. they think it is normal
you have to waste a lot this way to end this.

i mean it even was solid yeah fuck. 

incomeptent on levels no understanding at all. 

and now oh no we do not kill him. 

we gonna bomb his soldiers until he gives in. We sure he do that
when he down to 20 000 or wtf they think it is. 
[Irriterad över Libyen]


So did you find any interresting. 

Well well. 

Well well. 

Informer when. 

No we make no difference. Simple. So it can not be question
as different from general order. 

He is signed up so... 

Yeah tourched it. I have th ire shit stand by. 

Yeah sure are. Got dragons running it since  afew months. 
Wanna have a bit of ocontrol on that so it do not all burn


Second can I get a quite on number of well problem closed

good good 


Silent is good.
Stealth is good.

You do not want the beas sence you sneaking up. it wake to soon
you need time moving out of his sight before he smells you.

And when you push your sword down it's fruit you want it hardly
moving yet. 

he he. Me amusing me self he he. Good. Very relaxing a good
solid high number as expected. 

Oh my how probematic. Well that is a sure no. 

Well . fuck Really it would be incorrect to inprison them
until we leave or won but I see no other eroad here.

Neitehr do I see it as that good shooting him when they are
close. Solid bad for the kid uknow. 

Well we take him prison when. Might prove some value. 
He is police ater all. 

Yeah well the kid did not. I see no problem general with that.
Not so. But given he seened the work up here it would damage
him much more. On a total different scale. In the first
scale given age it pass away if the is mom do not go all btter
for life. On this scale he plagued for life. 

So hence he is prison. 

Great. Put them with that gambler who stabed that other. 

well nah given the fgirl and th boy a room by themself.
Put i some toys and shit and let them meet the ban a few
times so they see he is ok. 
And put him with the other bloke so u do not waste room. 

Great. wlel wtf u gonna do  i want it thi way. I want a simple
rule so all know. but also it is important to respect human
value and i always wanna come of as nice cause it makes shit
a lot easier. 


Fuck  how I regret I did not write hugga loss.
Come to m so many times. 


Nah jump on that. Doesn't matter now.

How many do u not report in on now.

oh my i am surprised. all.

he he.


Well we lot. Sure the other shit important also. But this
was always our trade. 

Can u rush oil a bit to confuse this boring paper here.
ha ha. Nah i joked do not. 
woulda been fun to see them try to explain it. 

ha ha. 

eyeah i know. they all into metalls. Not sure well greedy sods
u know. need a few friends doing that shit so u know how u
gonan trade so u don not get well a knife in u back. 


so she good looking. 

post some one outside given number of people. 

good well done. 


How I got so moral I do not know. 


Yeah well I told u what Junior since u so amused here.

I know shit. And I am not gonna tell u anything cause it is
bloody useles anyway. 

But I gonna have a little talk with u in a year. 
And fuck i doubt u dont sear but yeah well i am not saying

I can save up for me revenge. 

Takes more pleasure form it. 

yeah well nah nah 
i cant 

fuck well wtf 
u stupid britsh. 

well wtf. 

goo d any way i guess. 

yeah well wtf u gonna do. 

wtf yeah
i ehar u

That I can not do shit about. 

I was not even aware of it. So well plenty time so lets
forget that for now. I doubt it matter.

If any I want it rain though. 

But I got stuff for both. It is better mood peopel claim
with sun. I doubt it. U go lazy. U forget the danger of them.

And it safer with rain. 
U come big 80 jogging with big shiedls and shit. Well u visible.
U laying down u are not. 

yeah damn right 
fuck yeah 

Well i am happy u happy well she is a cue girl. I gie u that.

yeah well 
wtf did u call it.
A diamond i the rough.
Yeah basically good hearted. Fun and very giving ad such. 
Yeah think i saw here give some thing when she was here
2010. what well soem thing. well some coines to this musician
with a tuba I think it was. nah it was a trumpet. 
yeah well u got me their. he hit wis local drunk. 

well i am sure well she give freedom to the world perhaps
that gotta be better than u english heritance with all thast
money and perhaps raced up o just sit and smile at u.
Would bore u to death sitti g jsut on a big estate. 

Suits u I think. u did what?
omg u so discusting british it is like some joke. 
U been in the navy also?

fuck omg. 
Nah i do disagree but it so like cartoon which i look a bit
fuck om

liek with with a little gun on ehr or wht?
yeah u a gonner alright. soon u want be any fun at all. 

Mayb i ask their u discracceed yourself this way?

well could be worse i guess. 
that way u can show her. I am sure she will be very pleased.
eah and she gotta take u to keep this great art I am sure. 

No do well do send me ifuck 
yeah she gonna love that i am sure. 

u so must been in the navy. 

is it some sub cultural among u lot yeah well
u tell her alright atleast.


Well I am a fun humourloving friendly man of the earth.
I embrace you love for this cute little diamond in the rough
and hope she will love you the more for this great expression
of your love for her. 

I hope shou will be very happy and have
several kids (ant that she do not eat you for nutritions)
and amuse your self in which ever way you lot do. Tatoining each
other I guess. 

So please tell me here. How do you do that. Ok. No pelase
do not tell me more. 
[Junior har med en kniv ristat in Ninjas namn på bröstet.]

well I do not fear that I can tell u. 
But yeah wfuck i do not know. yeah well fuck. 
this saving heads i thought about some time bu t it is illegal
so. Like skrinken. would been great for like repution among
u enemies. 
[Varför inte. Slår ett inristat namn i alla fall. ]

u right heir. yeah. peole would think that. 
this gigantic statue i wanted also but they think i joke.
or going like well land hungry. I am not though. it is for
a case study. 

No like a real statue. Gigantic. So it seened like to Japan.

Pointing to wards a grand new world. 

yeah it is no use. it was a joke. sorry . 


I amso never gtting that statue.

fuckign british. go like cattle marked in for slottering
for the women restaung. 

like a fucking wtf u calll it. A fucking joke of themself.



thi ipisses me off. 

i am not getting any cattle mark i can say. I am a freeloving
fun man in me best years. 

I got a girl in every city. Around the world. 
Well would if i wanted anyway. 

I do not though. why get like more pain han needed really. 

Stupid junior. 
Man. fuck. 
Now one can give up on man total. 

Go bloody marking himself up for her. Like cariktartur. 
man fuck. 

yeash well wtf do i care. 

Yeah yeah. yeah. fuck I gotta  have a cam set up to 
see what he fickl she says about that. 

well not so. a bit of respect is good. especially with this
lot. all solid well easy to the gun. 

i doubt she eats him though. But cut of a foot maybe. 
I think she does that and ehwn liike well so u cant runt. 
nooneexplained to her it is not needed. All men she meets
in battle keeps running and screming and os. 


can i get a visual on junior please. 
do the front road came and set it to look in a bit but
dsicreet and give me audial also. 

oh so cute.

Well u take it bback. 
yeah yeah remove it. 


o my i gotta go puke i think. 

yeah lets all go carving in our arm making letters with
some bloody color u found. 
