2: Ganska lik 1 har en del poänger kanske


Se Simulering (med människor) rörande värdering: Påhittad konflikt

Expressing a bit of self-esteem in our own ability to heighten moral and amuse myself a bit

i do not regard that as a problem.
As I see it protets are good but they want do much more anyway.

Hence the less shit they have hanging around their the likelier we are to succeed cause more people poking around is just confusion. Hence well libya might fit them. They figure that out well whe they can come play our game.

The big wolfs.

Well anything it takes really as I see it.
Yes. I could use u here as well so u think about that.
I could use you more down their. And if you go it is very unlikely you will return.

I expect 5 - 15% of us return.

Thanks. It will be nice meeting you down their if we go.
[Vår färgstarka engelsman har tagit ledigt från armén för att följa med oss. Man kan spekulera att givet diverse händelser vi infört rörande hur England har agerat att en uppgift i det är att hålla lite kontroll över de här specialkulorna som infördes som möjliga, diverse raketgevär, gevär av olika slag m.m. Men romantiska orsaker visar sig vara orsaken. Lite färg i det hela.]

Battle code

Well lets get in shape when.
Not a day to late I hope.
The Tiger will fit me as always.
[Tar min gamla stridskod.]
Fuck I am rockid solid [...].


Not fast yet but better than I expect.
Love the map. It is so fast.
[Refererar till Bing som är byggd på Openstreet och diverse open-source runt det med Creative commons vilken just är väldigt snabb. Perfekt också just för sådant här genom kopplingen till databaserna över vägar, entiteter m.m. Mycket smidigt.] And without all that shit. Yeah I am on top.
Fucking I thought i would have to re read the roads going down but it is all back some how.
And yeah I did learned japanese once. I have to give NSA credit for telling me. Not sure I would have remembered if not.

Rekryterar några psykopater från brittiska fängelser som benådas åt oss Ask junior also if we can get like a few good men from them.

Mean bastards. But like. Who feels it is like well like it for the figtht.
no like omg we can die here. Send the chopter to pick us up.

nah np i do not care what the fuck they done before.

yeah yeah i know u do but well it is yeah nah the worst fuck s he got or know about.

not the lot who like dislike it down heir cause w gonna die but fucking go high on it. that is what we need.

i do not want people standing in the way looking dumb or scared.

Well could they release for me when. yeah wtf do i c are.
as i said i care not. u got what i want and that sounds perfect for me.
[Jag kom inte ihåg vilka brott de antogs ha begått här men för uppgiften de planerades för troligt ganska lämpliga.]

if possible take them.

yeah i got that from what you said. But I do not object to that. This is no fuck here it is a merit as i see it.

People so mad that they do not scare and that look good for people.
i like that.

we yeah u know here she is the same.
she is good.
[Avseende den person Junior fått ersätta som roll-karaktär. En psykopat mer eller mindre. Verkligen en av de mest lyckade karaktärer som används i simuleringar över åren. Men Junior hade värde: omväxling. Det upplevdes väl kanske som det kan vara tråkigt att spela henne för många gånger och att President kunde ha värde.]

take them.
if hey can pardon or wtf they do.

nah i do not wanna talk to him. for now on it is u and me if no group talk. it distract changing context.

yeah i know u object. i like that with u. u keep doing that. and u keep being u self here. u pay no matter if i swear over u. u the best for this.
[Min person för kommunikation har till uppgift att argumentera emot alla beslut jag fattar. Han gör det generellt också med andra. Åtminstone tills jag skjuter om honom längre p.g.a. av en missuppfattning.]

Soliga Australien

nah down to australia it is for them.
we take them with the speeders a bit before.
[Australien bidrar med diverse utrustning. Mest vapen så diverse folk tar den vägen och går därefter in med båt och när konflikten börjar med båtar som håller hög hastighet för att med viss sannolikhet kunna klara sig förbi flygplan som antas skjuta vad de nu skjuter på båtar. Stenar kanske eller raketer.]
i want them be on land when i come in.
if so if so.
These well illegal bullets with nuclear cap.
He got them for us. But I am unsure how we shal take it down.
[Kulorna som adderar ett enormt värde genom att ta ut pansarvagnar för vem som helst antas vara olagliga p.g.a. FN eller liknande. I verkligheten tror jag inte att det stämmer men det har införts i simuleringen]
That we well the amry got them for us for reserch gehin the
back so it is very sensitive.

but they needed. For a special thing .
Gotta take out tanks theuy got through.
Uranium or some shit on them though.

not sure how they function but they pass right in and explode.

they illegal though cause they are dumb dumb formal and as I understod it that was ruled out like in the beinning of the 1900-centuary. fully moron if i got it right. iw as liked shocked so i do nott ntus i got it right. i mean u shoot u shoot to kill. aren't no clear shot. war is pain. it is hell. so it is. arent better for such.

but we need to be a bit smart with that. So if they could like steam down one of their steam boats nyeah u rih
[Not a steam boat but refering to a previous stimulation their a wailer I think was used to make the loosing side look very bad and through that increase moral while motivate the enemy next time to try a bit harder.]

not sure how long it takes. but u right.
well when ask hiom for another. when.
and we take it airwy.

yeah well we can go benelux if needed also for that.

but i we do not call on them until it is solid go go.

here we keep to friends who get how it is and noo well irritate cause wll we gotta be ready if we do but it is yeha.

i know u object. u keep doing that every time u do.

see to it he give them some weapons they used to and so on.
it want be proble good good.

nah do not. they are for another. they trained for shooting tanks.

out with the police force.
[När vi refererar till polis kan det vara fyra olika: polis vi kontrollerar i staden, polis vi tränat själva för att hindra samhället från att brytas sönder om revolutionen lyckas, polis som är okänd d.v.s. varken säkert skulle vara ej samarbetande men där vi inte vet om så är fallet och polis vi vet är fientlig.]

nah they go right through and when they explode and kill them.
like expensive weapons. well htthey ese are too. this is like yeah a lot i can sya. a lot.
but like nothign compare to them.

yeah well they can research so thy set us up. They was like trying them out on thir own tanks anything. it is very chocking for all them ig weapon [Olämpligt ord].
[Många är ju så roade av stora vapen men de är sällan bättre.]

they die.
it is magic.
it is a rifle gun a bit bigger only.
cost like 8 million a peace and the ullets arent sheap.
[Hittar på en siffra som inte otroligen skulle kunna tänkas stämma givet att jag tror en del krävs för den hastighet kulan behöver för att ge en rimlig rörelsemängd vilket bör kräva en del sofisterade legeringar o.s.v. ha en del patenter samt en tämligen unik marknad.]

but we can take out tanks with one shoot.

u do not miss a tank and the die in it.

even if it is not like u gotta hit some shit.
it breaks through.

yeah i was also. i esas like they do not u lot hrow away all these moron weapns and scvave a bunchof moeny. and they was nah it is ilelgl. Wtf. sop u can airbomb when with napalm and cluster well clusters perhaps also got some shit but u cant use this which require less osliders in the fiht and hence less damage no matter if they survie.

So i was like u get us some of hthwese cause i have no good way to handle them tanks. And they was all like oh it is nopt possible. They are counted and bla bla.

And when i plauged forhem for like 14 months now and when twe got them a few months aog. they payed for htem also.

i ean like talking to children. Och no this one is wrong oh yeah well iit just are. i mean they got their work wrong and it cost human lifes.

yeah like one ever would not go to battle with that one against tank. Think again when u know it exist.

One shoot and they are all dead. Get it.
It cuts through and when it explods.
The first was a likelihood a bit like the lesser bigger but I got them a bit change so now they all die.

yeah. just that.

here we fit them up around in the come in with the tnaks. It is long clear roads.
We can sniper them on a long distance. A long.
U take the front and the back out and when the rest.
No moe comes in that way for like a motnh.

Get it.


And they was oh w just got it to research on over tank
which is so good. wtf they call it. Crusader i think .
or some on c anyway.

yeah moe than i year bugging them and others and when they got us enough .payed for it. yah yeah sorry. i am so bloody fucking pissed how they waste money on other lesser weapons costin glike 100 imes as much. when they got this.

oh it is formal a dumb dumb bullet so it is wrong to kill a tank with.

well clasify it as a granate weapon when u dumb fuck.

nah i didnt u got yeah he he.
but he he.

good good.
good to know she is on her way.
nice play. big.

did she good.
yeah well life well.

yeah yeha.
wll i shall read.

how thdid me big girl look when?
[Min hustru och president] good.

well wshe was here just the other day.
three hourrs topthough.

nah she was with m yeah.
well yeah lif u know.
if we surivie this if we go go perhaosyeah
well i got stuff to read up on.

oo to see well yeah thanks