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Se Simulering (med människor) rörande värdering: Påhittad konflikt


Liwsten we been plagging the Japanese. 
People been on them around the clock here. 

Without given them date. As far they think it is like a year.
But we have not sad that either. 

Now so had the Australians talk to them now to give them like
a happyucustomer case so to speak. We priomised the whiote tioger
to give him air support and we solved our problem with increased
number of cancer from radiation we have had so it gotta be
good for u. 

So they want do what i want. But they promosed to go a bit inside
their territorials. 
Nt solid like the Australisn though. They turn before they go in
over it but like take out the swingng movement over them. 

Thats good anyway cause given Australians going in how can
they know these want either. 


Colonal Z

We bought a boat in Tai Wan. 

We gonna land it in another city southern. Not sure which
it was. 

We gonna stock pile a few guns have had in Tai Wain for a while.

If it like explode out nort well tipping but with plenty
fighting. I wanna have a few pils s souther also to leave
out from. 

So u have need for the boat I can send it up to u after. 
Or I sernd it to Hong Kong if not. Hong Kong alsways good have
a boat in. Always some shit to shoip in or out. 

Ok when I send it Hong Kong after. 



How it gone sinc when was it?
Yeah long.

Have u tracked all of them?

Nah do not approach them before we go go. 

But Like optimal ahve like 2 each hour showing their support
in movie clips and so.

That pingis tall one gotta be good. 

To make several with if he is doable. 


Well u need anything have them connect u to me. 



I won. 

That also. Now I can jump over it. 

How is that?

Cause I use both information and energy. I associate
an energy cost with the problem of it and explain the problem
as how I see it in a post. The important is expressing 
the actual problem - that is not wanting to see ads - but
that do not necessary include nam,ing it as such. Self
organizing are so important their a given are setting nature
to form things ot move the right way. 


I sure feel better going together with her. 
Shouldnt' i guess. Had her better dome their else. 
But well I didnt wanna go alone. So well let well
us comproise here lik e i loost their.
didnt of coruse. 
i never loose a discussion if not planned to do. 



he he
Noticed Expressen noticed it. 
[Expressen används här och några saker för att sätta händelseutveckling. 
Givet att deras nyheter innan inte är kända. Det framgår inte då det
tagits bort.]

Well neither them or her family know of course. 

Solid good PR value also. Have the singer standing by also.
The old not so. Could not get through to her. But the
young one. 


Yeah well we are bringing them in now so u relax we have
u out in no time. 

Yeah well the boss a bit up is a friend of mine. He fixes
u out and see t it not being reporting out. 

U just calm it.




Any other we loost to police? So i fix same time here
before I hang up. 

Ok good.


Great. We done.
Luck with u. 



You are so going into Operation Ridiculoe. 


Have junior arrived yet?

Ok call me up when he does. 


Which tikme u think he will be their.

Ok. Thats long. 

I am like all into me fly time. 
Which is a lot shorter. Like 1/2 or some thing. 

Yeah well we air fuel on the way. 
British going uop from a ship out in the ocean. 


Well I am babe. Very nervous. 

I puked five times just today. 

I do hope we can go go so one do nt have to go thoruigh this
one more time. I so hate it. 

Look forward goign down with u though. 
Think i shall go for a walk and try to relax some. 

I will like not good at all just now. 
Yeah but it gone to good. Some thing must be missed. So 
I gotta go voer it all agfain. 


U think we can go live in the sun after? 


I smell bad also. Acid. 

Like sugar gone messed up. 



Fucking Reuinion. Bloody garbage shit. 
[Unicode problem]

Man that is none existant. 

shit island. 
[Speglande XML problem från 2010 där jag slutligen beslutade att
den ö inte existerar]

what u ok.

Nha nah. 

some private reflection regarding character encodings. 
No no it is a character map standard. Nah i did not.

Ok well thanx. np.


I feel scared. 

Didn't until now. 


I am ready to break. 

Same each time before. 


I run a tight ship so beware. 

I feel the adrenalin moving through by venes. 
I am like a performer that make the floor my stage

[Citerar Circus med Britney Spears.]


I am running it now so I can not break. 
All off it now this time. 


omg i am so scared. 
so many llfes. 


Well we go walking. 


So scared. It is so cold but i like can not move even for the
door to the balkong. 


WT to all
roll call on all. 

happy u with us. thought u was a gonner 2009. 

one missing. 
got 34 from last until. it should br 35. 
Well check when and have him say his name in the phone.
Iw ant to hear all of . 

Well search him out. I want to hear that is on the lists
'of stationar. 

Mopre peoplpe to search for him. Spread also a few hundred
out on the streets who recognice him. 

Search the building from top to down also. Any and all rooms. 

yeah i knew we had missed some thing. 
So how does it look like?
knife ok. 

Ceil off the neigboorhood. 

Me people will come in sweeping it through. 

We cut communication outside also. 

Good good. Knew some thing was missed. It always are. 
This for sure is very relaxing. 

could been worsed. Doubt who ever it is will be abe to reach out
with it. 

U all relax. I will have 400 agents in the neigoboord in 10 - 
80 minutes depending to hteir they are. 

We ceiling it all of also. 
Yeah whole neigboorhood. 



Take over roll call. And also have people take do3n their theiroabuts

And theirabouts on all they seened this day and yesterday. 

No do not inform her I do that. 


Great put com on again. 

So he had it like in the pocket.

Have some one run the blood. 
Gotta be sure here so it is not like wrog blood and he jst
conffusse to get noticed being screwed up. 

And we miss some one important. 

Nah do not. Informing is the standing order. Murder it is  not

Very different. For sure as I view it I want warriors. They
fight . We might kill each other. They go to prison for it but it is
expected. Just gotta be sure. Luck him up. 

I have way to find out so np. 


Yeah keep roll calling them. 

But do not ask them question besides doing it them
naming so we kno it is all. 

They have stuff to do. 


Nah he most likeli no problem so. 

Do his story makes sense.

He is a good fighter also. U have him locked up.
when Junior come he can take him and he fight with him. 
He survives he will stand some sort of court that exist when. 

Tell him a genmeral plenty forgiveness ia the target though
less so of course for this sorta thing. 

Yeah well the shit they up to into frontline i htink well special
persons who like that sorta stuff. 


Ha ha.

Thats me english scientist.

Ha ha. 

Yeah well he probably was baked. 
[Vi gjorde om cannabis missbrukare givet att han av och till har behövt 
glömma saker för att förenkla samspel. Han kan därigenom komma och addera
värde utan att kontext han annars skulle reagera på är ett problem.]

ha ha. 

So he like. No idea what wso ever. Well it was sleeping time
so he probably had ruled a fat one to sleep good. 

ha ha. 

Yeah. It might come to him later thou8gh in a days so good u
told him again. 

Might do it tomorrow also just to make sure. 

So he dont go around thinking someone stole it or some shit
and go paranoid of them others. 


Some sorta fight. Plkaying that hasard game.-

Pretty much money. 

So he been loosing for two days they say. 
And well he knifed the winner after. 

Yeah prtty bad but do not look like a leaking person. 

He can stand court after. 

I like people knifing people. Like them shooting people.
U do that and collect a few who much into that u bound to
get a few doing it on the worng person.

It is not good. But it is not as bad as he knifed this one
for seeing him doing some shit such as calling in to
his handler in the communsit parties or one of their

So hi if he survive the fight he can stand court when by the
civials. As far I am concrened the only offenses we car about
is treason or breaking chain of command. 

If any it is good indications. They well energised. I like
that. Sure no good so but well they arent depressed and scared.
They go risking their life over petty cash. 

Good sign. 


Tell him he we want go go before they killed the swedes
leaking for us. 

As far I am concerned it is affirmative not possible
before they are taken out and we sure are not. 


Listen it is as the supreme court ruling.

They had plenty chances give an explanation. They have not.

We can not let it affect things. They got to die. 

We leave no spies after us who is in bed with the communst
party in China. 

So u tell him we do not go go before he seened to them dead. 


Well he taken people here. So I would expect it is done

If not well yeah well we might lhave the germsn do it

But as far I am concerned it is also a prooth of loyality
by the americans. 


Give NW351

Is it doable?

So what risks for like civial people?

Ok good well I didn't think it would been any either. 
So how high would you dose it?

And how does UN laws and such look on such?

We might perhaps make it a medical issue if tracked to us. 
Against some problem their. 

So basically they will be stooned here on syntetical marijuana. 

I mean that gotta make them a lot worse fighters. If any
u go anti-war and slow reaction. And your working memory isn't
very good so if anytold u to do some thing u forgot it if it
is not five minutes old. 

U got all u need. 

Good, good, good, good. 

Put some in like a few cigarrs also. Quite high dose and let
it dry in good. And have them sent to me down the dogs.

Check that dog I asked for are no evel police dog in duscs
or a customer dog so he go all biting me stuff. 

ha ha.
Nah do not bother he he.

Jus tjoked. 

he he. 
man I am so funny. 

Yeah. he he. Police dog in om hyhyeah

Well great work. I am impressed.
Very good. 
Not sure how it will turn out. Never tried before if you
rule out Vietnam inplicit so to speak. And I doubt any one
can argue it did them any good.

this gotta be solid good. 

[Jag har verkligen ingen aning om det skulle vara lagligt med internationella
regler och så. D.v.s. förgifta fiendesoldaterna med syntetiskt cannabis
med målet att sätta ner deras kognition utan att det är uppenbart samt för
att konceptet låter roligt givet hippi och anti-war associationen. ]


Tme to walk. 


Colonel Z

I will walk. 

Please take command of counter intelligernce also. 


Habve me big girl call in with me when she have time.

Preferable when I am walking. 

This might be a rather long walk. A few hours to relax. 


Yeah hi I take u up outside. 

Gonna talk a *long* walk in the woods. 

Could be fun talk to you a bit in the mean time. 



Is junior down yet?

Have him call direct when he is their?




Madame President & Colonel Z

It has been dugged up and is on the way by courier. 

Please note once again. The names are not to be read or
accessed but a solid 24 hours after go go earliest
and at such time point by direct command of you both
together or by me single. 

Or at 48 hours by any of you are any taken your position. 

Or at me at any time after 24 hours. 


Countraster are pretty good. 

Well a good kick at Israel for go complaining about freedom
in other countries.

Like a democracy ever been a problem for them. 


Darknes - Light. 

Fun - Boring

Happy - Sad

Trusting - Anxiety. 

Boxed - Open 

Limited - Possibilities. 


Sure the thing is we probably would win. Cause guns are so strong.
They do not expect it. 

But it will be a period of civil war. 

I do not regard that as problem. But I want to be sure it is not
a dragger. But is finished in one month. 

People are always in such hurry but it is not all is solved
cause u win. It is better to win with less cost.

Hence I am so fucking hard on these rocket launchers or wtf they
called. Like azookas I think but modern from last year. Not sure
how they look but u can carry them and shoot panserwagns of the
latest types and they go in. And they explode with splinter and
very high heat. Probably using iron and aluminia igniton i guess
given I heard temperature mentions of over 700 degrees.

Given that one can not allow them inside city cause they explode
close to gas pipes they go brook and the heat ignite it.

Given you will have panserwagns standing blocking the streets
all over after our snipers taken them out with better for that.
Break throug and when modified a bit more. 

The city would burn. 

Hence i say we do not even store the once that do not make use
at the roads but destory them.

Cause we loose I do not trust people not going at them. 
But we shall not have the city burning. The cost of that
for society is higher than waiting a few years.

People desperate at that level also it is loost anyway. 

Also I see it as. I get guns when I ask. Why do I get it?
Cause I returned them 2009. 10 000. Less. 8200 we got. i
returned all but one. That oen was tracked down and found
nto to ever left england. But taken up to for some reason
with them. 

Everyone returned. why is that important? This is not the
sort of roganisation that has capacity to handle the responsibility
to store large amounts of weapons over time.

I sure have a few storages but I keep that separate. 

Given they know of them now. My people that is. If we do not
go go I will destroy them. 

Why is that improtant? Well support is one thing. But more
important is a good win. We do not wanna win with cities
burned down when we can have a good win in a few years. 

People find that hard. They go all steamed up and want out
fighting. But it is the right time. You can not manage that
I do not need you. And this time you go out fighting against
order you want reach the streets even. I will have you shoot.
I have a counter intelligence that turns military police the
moment we go go. I reverse that order or do not make it 
moving down they will function the same way.

What did we gain 2009? Nothing. Did we loose some thing?
Yes. We got nationality increase they tell me. We loost
good people. We loost 11 houses. 

Had it not been for my connections with the dragons and I managed
to fool the communist going after them we would have no chance
this year to even stand up. 


On the plus side no matter if we go go.

I am satisifed with all so far.

Junor found lvoe in his life. We all worried he will
be died next time. Been eaten for nutrition cause she might
go pregnant. 

But we got a stern talking to us by the president on
well I being sick and disgusting not getting things at

She well u got them together. So hi. yeah well girls great.
Best fighters ever. But I sure like talking to Junior their
one can ike expres sa bit freely. Doesnt mean much but sure
well it is not good perhaps. But well yeah well. Well. 
hum. Well. I hope she want eat him though. I thnk I would
not be surprised if she actualy do that and spin him in something.
I would be like. Oh as interresting in scientism I found
this surprising and less beliable but in a way I alway sknew
this would be how she did it going pregnant. 

Well he is pretty tough for sure. No doubt she would just
kill him if she feels like but he got a desent chance. I mean
good education in such, been in a few conflics, Nor Iralnd
hunting Ira, the pros anyway, other such also. Trained peopel
and so. A desent chance if not fully surprised. and like
a small army nearby to come saving him in less than 2 minutes.

I took her in when she went mad. They dart her. From behind.
What is given she was unstable the sort of respect for her
we have. They was five. She would killed them. 


Junior down.

Ok good. Forgot.

Well have me call em when in two hours. 

Tell him not go well say 5 hours and he can visit well
who ever he feel is fun and so. 


I am so baffled yet. 




I would now not claim making a cartoon of them coming
off a total gay changed anything significant.
[Vi leker lite med stereotyper] 

But neither would I say that stereotypes is anything
but powerful if you know a lot of them. I mean this is
also a generation thing and a matter of local subculture.


Man omg fuck we are coming of as totally gay. Like
me old trainer used to say to us when we didn't run 
fast enough. Better bombard faster. 


Perhaps not. But...

Me I am like not sensitive at all. Well I am of course.
We all are and if any I am more sensitive of course. 
Thats value also. They go more visible for you. 


Got a boy friend have u :-)

Ha ha. 

Well I was curious. 
Well u secret safe with me. 


Personal likelihood. 85%. 


Colonel Z

You can for the first groups start arming whem and have
them sit in pre places. 

Total quite. 

At least 24 if so. But it will take some time. 
Do not draw suggestions from that. It says only that
the possibility still exists. 

Please hold on that for 12 hours at least. I am sorry. 
I want Junior to look over it with you also. Forgot
he got some personal time also. 

Yeah I know they have. But he is more able when the
other british and such u have. Is very practical and
get things go wrong. 

Militaries are very good. Cause they know stuff. But they
also tend to see things narrow their our situation is 
quite different. Junior do not. He is very into this full
concept of diskreet and effecient. It been like the stuff
he done for many years. So he knows a lot more than all of
us probably. So it is solid good he looks over it all. 


I think they are right. They sure seem to play with and


Now they come proving my theories again all over. 

It is like. It is hard to keep up with implementation. 

Gotta get the grid going. For sure no problem with it.
Still took a lot more time just cause data import are
slow to do.

This is the right way though. 

Gotta have it big still not destroy any knowledge in it.
So you can flex between them. 

That way one can take out points with my little algorithm. 
Without glegging down neither loose speed much.

Of course if the question are how similar are this and
that relative this and that one can go slow fast but when
before one got faster computer no need to ask that. 

Still can when it is time for that.

But I think my view goes pretty fast given I start with data
very organised. 

A nice back boon to any search enginee. 

Doubt I would do a web search though. Solid hard area if 
you have no plenty capacity. But it is no matter that exactly
how one would view it.

You map down to the structure and search the meaning of it.

Or the indication of change rather. I think.
I think one gotta limit or one see stuff not really their
but that would seem so cause humans are always humans so often
it confirm things as anything tend to do. Such though one do
best with general statistics.

Which of course show nicely the problem with doing the similarity
outside my algorithm. Cause this work load is how such goes
direct. And way it is hard to go up against the grid owners
in search enginees. Cause quality do for a lot map to how
big capacity you have to do what I do here. 


Trying to disturb work. 

The difference now from previous. Is that I was a private

Now I am not. 

I am until we go go or not go go one of the five most
influenced persons in the world. 

Yesterday we cleaned out problems in Hong Kong, Shanghai
and Beijing. it will keep going all the way.

I doubt we touch Sweden given entities suitable for it
care not for it. 

But things tend to go my way anyway in the end cause
I cheat. 

I sneeze the stock market goes down. 
I express dislike for people being run over in hit and run
they arrest them all including party members. 

Why is that? Cause they know. 
I like that. But they never will know the date. 
And when we go go great flexibility will appear and when
I clear out a few personal also. I always do that. 

And yeah I will keep control on the conter and the anti
intelligence. I like the last name. Though seldom used. 
Might not run it. But I almost but a short time long ago
ever run this. Still I hold command of it all. 

Thats power for you. To change things people care about.
Smart is doing it without burning down cities. 

I am smart. Many others are not. 
That solid respect for you. Love and lojality like nothing
else. But also hate. I do not like hate. I regard it as a threat
to the moment. If it is strong you loose elections, you end
up dead or is moved down otherways. Cause we are menance. We play
to win. 

And no mather what you think you always do my bidding. 
You play against us. I regarded it and if known and it always
are I think. You do my bidding. 
