Stormen - vindarna samlat - en riktning - Ett mål
Papper, Småsten och Pinnar
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Jag blev en aning inspirerad av Sherman tanken.

Hur jag bra ska uttrycka det för att inte verka icke-konstruktivt givet vad jag argumenterar för är svårare. Egentligen enklare hur ändå olämpligt på andra sätt är att kopiera in en bit av lösa tankar jag skrivit ner medan jag läste ett par böcker jag köpt. Jag lär säkert ångra det och det är givetvis illa skrivet egentligen bara för att fånga emotionellt tillstånd i text utan att hjärnan tråkas ut och givet att jag ändå just nu läser framför tangentbordet. Men (pansarvagnen här ses givetvis som ett transformativt verktyg i en allmän lösningsrymd)...
It's like - we isn't very good at all building tanks but we came anyway. Funny really. But it requires some flexibility in "supply management" not to get caught up in simplier views :-D
And not only is it sort of obvious not technical perfect - it sort of looks [---].
I mean - short of time and the right top management to get that thing done.
Right tool. But I am sort of thinking the soldiers might have wanted the Tiger I or II though sparser in numbers.
Not that a good Amiral would accept. No large deks or command central and such. Nothing to run over the enemy with.
My I could have forgot about that one.
Best tank done really looking a bit broader on it.
Not that any specialist would see it like that. But how much I hate weapons.
Yeah I should write a book target for US market explaining how that tank is the best in the world cause it is so cute. Would sell like plenty in some local communities in California - 200 books perhaps.
Yeah going gay-weapon isn't easy.
Not if you - well it is very nice with big weapons to solve things but other things do also have value though non natural it seems to solve conflict outside direct dominating hit force. We do need to learn from past misstakes.
Cause well traditional I am a sucker for a big scary looking tank but it is a tool.
It isn't like people often view it here like black and white. But problem solving thugh sometimes misstaken. It's not like negative effect is the goal but a lack of knowledge of other ways to effective solve problems and it isn't either like a lot of other such is well proven or used.
Used to a tool natural to us all - being carnivore - it isn't that easy to going against attack impuls trying to optimice that short term.
But really it breaks me sort of. It is a beaty in big tanks in large number like a wave running over everything with airplanes above and maybe attack dogs running besides and well plenty of scary stuff together.
Nothing like it really. Being that or any transformating situation.
Viewing management general though you can't fix in carnivore solutions.
Stormen - vindarna samlat - en riktning - Ett mål
Papper, Småsten och Pinnar
Allt viker"
Poängen här är reflektionen mellan hur den är väldigt optimerad för enkel tillverkning givet att tidigare erfarenhet saknades medan fabrikapacitet fanns. Det är tror jag en kompromiss mellan enorm sårbarhet men att enkelt bygga ett torn som orkar bära upp kanonen men det sker på ett sätt som begränsar dimensionen på den också för att det hela inte ska tippa. Samtidigt kan nästan vad som helst skjuta sönder det hela.
Men den gick att bygga på begränsad tid, var troligen effektiv i tillverkningen och den fungerade. Visst den ser lite udda ut som jag uttryckte tidigare också:
I am sort of sceptical about the star also. Traditional are rings inside each other. And red is easier to spot. Though it isn't a bad place to be hit I guess. Not going inside the stuff around the wheals and reflecting out easier. A cheap solution that might have given something because a very large number of tanks went to battle.
Though I very much doubt that thing can take much of anything. Probably would bunch back like 200 m for anything modern today. Spread like 1/2 km all around.
Yeah that must be like to gayest tank ever made. Something that really requires short of time and a bunch of factories. The thing you can expect without previous knowledge.
No scales either.
Scales. That's the shit. Never thought of such. A nice solution type for any number of things. Being able to transform it visual which isn't that obvious easy allways.
To be honest - like now I would have gone for that if needed. But go a few years back if it was up to me I wouldn't view it as a possibility to take a tank looking like that public. It's like... Yeah I can see a humour in it now but well... It do take some age to being able to see the value and using it.