4: Har sina poänger rörande värdering


Se Simulering (med människor) rörande värdering: Påhittad konflikt


Besides that nothing.


Spread terror. 

And take example after u front line command. 
please check command name i used sso it is correct i might
be using 2009 set. 

I think some one changed it. 

If u traine don it i will redo if not we can chane to morrow
if we go go. 



We all done this two times before her e among us.

Now we do it the third time.

This time we go in for the kill. 



Please take out from official notes what we decided to 
fool our president to stuck here in Australia. 

It is highly in aprproate and given records will be handed
to library after it sets a ba example. 

and yeah well u ge tme here. 
it didnt function. i wa sall teared up walking here. 



good hunt.
good lyck. 
kill them all. 


Funny I bedome people folkär vi call it. 

Like that. 

Well wtf do that say about Erfors. 

I do not like them talking about stuff though. Cause they
seldom spend enough time grasping concepts. 

For them it is so much a line. And their lines I see what
I pick from as needed. 


Can i get i cout pelase Cornel >




Shall we go battle language or keep englsh?

Aong us. u decide i wil write abttle
alreays started but i can do englsh np. 

ok battle it is. A decision  think. Fast.
U fast. Thats solid value.
Fast win thise things. 


Junior is up out the airfield. 

So u can start thwith stuff to the other two in a few

They can take not much but pretty much. 

so we will stuck guns and shit wit the well lets call
them lego soldiers. 


God I am scared. 

Jumpig.- Well it will be over soon.

And one go up with it. 

Yeah well want be a problem of course. Given popuilationar
factors I wil jump. One really have no well choose as it is.

But I do like it.

Yeah well mught tell them after for motivation until
when one bad dreams are for one self. 

[Riktigt bra avsnitt nedan]
Really really scared.

The hell i will land to their they probably pressed down at the docks.l.
A guess with here back behind them but still having bullets
but on the last i o not fear. It attracts me. It will be fun.
I wwill die but we will bring asnd get the time needed. No
doubt their. 

That I know how to do. 

i live up. 

I rally peopel. I go around point. 
I will shoot in the air. It is a new one but it comes
natural for me.

And I talk the talk. Cause u go well over emulated and stimulated
and when u talk and it is not walht i say as the heigntehn
stimualtion and the thirst for it they get and it affect and they
git some of thas if it. 

And whe we rall and marsch. 

Nothing now in it. i love it. 

I thirst it. Death is me friend. 

Blood I drink. 


Cornel Z

Please advice some one to get mateials for a catapult set up.

We will if needed use it to send ammunication to thour 
warrior if she is behind the lie and is running out. 

given it might be all burning stocks might gone wasted. 

Do make a copy like in India or australia to check up it fujction
as expeced and so on. 


it is an order it is forbidden to use before I land. 
[Jag funderade ett antal gånger rörande strategi hur i helvete jag tänkte här men brydde mig inte att ändra det. Jag antog att det fanns något värde i det. Men verkligen att jag ännu inte ser det. Vi skulle ha haft första linjen rörande sig flexibelt i princip antingen framför eller bakom fienden där det senare är mycket troligare. Om de får slut på ammunikation är de värdelösa. Om de är beväpnade och rörliga i byggnader, tak o.s.v. är de direkt tortyr för fienden. Vi spekulerar att det var lite hybris runt oss själva adderande lite specialeffekter till vår ankomst som föranledde ordern. ]


You will be sent a graph of it made in england. 

es. they shoudl but it was an american done it at one of the
universities :_D

so. but they should know with all them Hood movies and so on. 

Junior fix all such for. He is our man now until we go go 
or not. 

No he want do that but he will be their to fetxch us stuff
if they can. 

yeah he is so good. not sure what we would do without him. 
He is so well he finds it if u need it. 


Please take in account that organised crime local is not our
enemy. Please do not exprtess that further yet. 

I agree. Please do. 
Buy the whole house but wait until tomorrow. 

[Talar med min hustru. Rörande dotter. Eller snarare en annan karaktär som är föga aktiv i detta. ]
How is she. she lime good.

yeah . Well horses fun. well she was tired i guess. 
with all change.. Might wathc lanbs to morrow perhaps. 

oh well ui so muh want to. 

u keep her safe if eeded. 

Plenty lambs good for them. Fun. 
Very like children friendly naturl not  bering canrivors
ad very soft asn such. 

Very on their levels also. horses so big. 
do u got lambs. well yeash well they proably fun anyway.
might to not tell here their they went them lambs. 

ha ha yeah. 


nah i changed things a bit. i stock here in austrlia or we

Yeah I knew I would. But i tried. It is wrong but i could not
manage and it relies on me having the central coordination tintil
the plan is out. i know it est. 

Oh i go so. 
it angries me how ell kids can starve and such in the world. 

Well we better it in her mothers country anyway. It is a good
thing to do. 

If I do not retunr tell her when she grows older I loved he
mother so much and her also. And that it was my love for her
mother and the need for like other generations with kid
that did us having to do this here caus the tourture and the pain
of so many people is more than we can accept carry on. 

Nah it is unlikely. I go on for the last hold before the trap
fall so them. i will hold it good no doubt. But it will cost
us. and the inbetween time fore they traopped until it hit
might be a bit to long if u get how i eman. 

yeah one could hope. she still alive spreading fire bhiend them we
could but when it is on hour 18 so... she want. they are good
soliders. she is to. But they are much more. 18 hours she want
go i think. 5 - 6 I hope. 


If needed I hold them 12 but that is if needed. Throwing all
rules so to speak... just that. yeah. what ever needed. 

American army. Double booked by misstak and it got on the 
offciial sop they gave me after i plagued them on it for
like 8 months no nenought to clean out like 4 km at least. 

we go of course also ut if time run short and the trap is
failing it will sovle it. 

u smart yea. Thats was way i nuked us on training. to give
thm the persepctive it might be needed to force fire
to win this one. Hence i could not stay home either. 

And why i played htem with that as tool for three years.

eah it comes to that though it is solid down to the last 500 - 600
so... Thats by when alread only amont us at least 9500 death. 

it might seem high relative but here we get the big one. 
They will come they will come hard. We will kill them
in ggreat numbers but they will keep hammering brining
in more or more cause they loose Shanghai it is loostt. 

Thx for junior. I cant not expres sneough how needed he is.
I have no like stuff gette ranyomore. have him flying through 
Hong Kong now. 

nah. we go go.
I thik we will be 4 left outsid. ther est no matter
nationalit will rally to the harbour for it.

yeha i do but i got other shitws... u know yeah that.

hence i go the drp cause it so late. on the last.

but i gotta see the oter is liek functional and if needed
like kill on eof his kids or some shit to see he delivers.

what ever needed yeah. 
we want die for nothing down their that much i can say. 

yeah i do. i do expect it will wave and if so it is a very
differnt came.
but ic ant plan for that. hence it sis plnendd we can win
with 10 000 also but given that it will cost just about nay
and all we got. 

hence we will all rally their. 

Shanghai sthe key cause they china can break and they know it.  
any and all needed to defend it they will do and when the do if
swhat i set the areana for. 

Even with no help at end of day two I expect we have killed
say 60 - 70 000 soldiers of the enemy. 


well thanx for junior and the creditcars. 

we was fully out. 

I am personal also but well many of us are nowe last uear. 

yeah it was good. keept us buying tickes.

yeah it burned high i can say. bribes and such. 

Really i can not enough express how happy I am for junior.
It was like I am so not able in such and we had like noone
for it. So it was so great. Best thing that happend to us
this year. 
[Han är så kul också som karaktär. Väldigt brittisk.]





to note for to morrow. 

for im to tell her also if so later in life i guess.

That one reason i keep tjournals in me papers backs is for her
not  go over idelosing me. And that me her mother shared a
similar view and issue is not what especially go to do with lvoe
and that she like wel  should not led sufh go into that. 

yeah i think thqat says it perhaps. i mean yeah. 
Well she should likr noy hsbr yo rihrt sudr er fo iy hrtr. 

wwll i should not to advice sharing well a try to do some thing
bettr but it is important to understand this path is not
wha tyou choose it chosees u really it is so. Abnd it is not
what one young an experienced go near. It is the game of us
old slightly bitter to fight time after time cause wlel 

For bigger value but also cause w eknow what we do. 

Well i need to rea read it5 i think. 

Well WWF might suit her better i think. 

nort surw how to express it . 

dont wanna have herr growing up like feeling wieght from
it. I mean it was not fun to b hoest. It been
and are bloody toruture no less ano more. 

loosing so mahy. 


I can c onfirmed our president weill come with me. 
[Har inte lust att hoppa själv och upplever dessutom flygresan som potentiellt roligare med en kvinna så vi tar med henne.]

Our ploy didnt quite work out. So we go ther in the last
line both. 


got her this fun soda but forget to give it ot her last week. 

u move it this picture changes. Bewtween this
space alian and some biy sneaking around. 
The girl currectl y behind two mean looking bouys

I noticed i woudlnt got ier it. 
U mean why shoukd she grown up not get to do what she
like cause som old fuks try to delivabl e her value.

It is very wrong. 


Colun Z I take command

Please proceed as plan. 


Plesee hold fo the president. 

Thank you. 


Hence we start and will anyway this moves move in the police force

If we sieze power they will come handy to take control
of the local police at key cities. 


My friends my problem here is that I can not used it.

It been under sabotage since more than one year.
Connections disturebed and for sure heard.

We know they leake cause information have been
found regular with the Chinese secret service
as reported back to us.

As soon this start we will kill anyone suspected part of 
that. Given now yes we are pretty sure
tjhey was the onc e who sold her out. But we still hope top
get the americans to kill them for us. I will keep bugging them
about it until they do it. I can get the engluish army
to buy a dn share explosive anti tank bullets i can
get the CIA to kill a few swedes for me. 
[Endast några stycken dock. De verkliga dödsfallen växer i antal nere i Shanghai. Några hundra kom vi säkert upp i.]

Yeah so they leave that out of the equation. 

If the west holds good. If not well I for sure have not
been the one who talked against killing of tratiros. A dnd has
that been done we seould not ha ve a problem with the concept
of that now. 


Colonel Z please give me th ehcount. 

All. We have no passed 10 0000 called in street fighters. 

10 0000 was the expected maximum but it seems we much more. 
Given roll call speed isn't even slowing down yet. 

Seems it is a good day to die for people.  Kess turning the
call down when I thought. 

Perhaps we will be even 60 000 to start with. 


Colon Z please syncronize with the military naval intelligence
of US. They have rfresh maps and stuff for. 
[Här finns ett fel men gör egentligen det samma. Vi har redan tagit kartorna som antagit från ett brittiskt kontor. Här införs också kartor från en tidigare simulering som var markeade amerikanska - vilket inte stämmer med verkligen - och skapade en del fascinerande fel.]

Has I heard u would be hughing down u ship so I can get
some fresh data. Pklease do that around three fingers outside

Thank you I am much obledge. 


Junior got us another three airplna to be able to support
an increasing number of street fighters. 


HBi to humour you lot I ghave decidied we now have an airforce
I masde First line commander  also Amiral of it. 

ha ha

ha ha

Nah i have not. 

We keep this sysstem. 


Me second daughter with the president is iwth our english
scientist.  I keep a few of them their mosstly or coerrect
decided before that for protecting some infrastructure so we
can take other kids their as needed. The whole estate is
very protected. 

So you wanna leave of your man, kids or woman you can. 


Long live the figherters.
welll i better not try to write a national enthem here. 
[Pep talk med nyckelpersonal]

Ask junior about it. I want as much as possible solved 
buy him. Cause first he is very good at it so we get better
stuff and secon they pay for it so I prefer thery buiy stuff
as long as possible cause they might have stuff alreay we
can loan and if not needed they save money. 


Thank yiu. We got six air plan in englqand so we can stuck
pretty much.

2 is low weight and can take nothing more than plan. 

The rest we got some room in all and for a bit bygger
in three still. 

Guns and ammunication mostly for the three first as yet. 
The other we can take a few other things also. 


So babe how do you like you on the way down under?

[Samtal med min hustru.] 
but li

no no you got it wrong 
liste n now 
no no listen 

no no 
listen now

please you can all talk
i hang up now 
i hang up if i arent allowed to talk

now i hang up 
yes i do
ok i do not wlel all u talk when and i llisten 


Formal you are so you could order it and we would as it is
bolede to9 ollwo it.

Practical we want cause it is really only done to ix the
Australian thing also as long you hold the officer rank
it is that chain of command that got precence over the other. 

Also we can vote uoui out of ioffice if it is starting
to cause proble,s. So straight down to it I will not take you
to the Shanghai blood bath you stay to do things outside. 

If it winnws the day. If we have enough people fighting. 

You come in with me. If it looks like we win. If not I come

eh. Doesnt that sound fun. Watta u say. Even funnir. 
You can come with me insdtead. Much more reomantic and fun. 
[Låt oss ta med vår hustru och president på flygen så det inte blir så tråkigt]
Well u cant have the secon dline4. U come with me for the
fifth and final, If it looks doable so I do not go in to tdie
with last. If so u stay home. 

Well ok when. U come wih me anyhow. 


Yeah well we will see. 


Icehokey. Well might have some value to read it. 
I for sure general think their  cultural thingt holds
an enhanced quality compared to say well Arena for exaple
which more or less is the worst drabbel I ever read. 
[Refererar tlll en artikel i Aftonbladet jag köpte och inte blev att läsa. Refererar sedan till en annan svensk tidning som har en del bra artiklar längre bak i tiden men som numera gått helt till någon form av mental-tungrullning i en subkultur där man i princip skriver för sina skribenter.]


Hello everyone.

I can conform me and me babe both coming in on the plan to 
the fith line. 

Yes. Cause the help we get their will be much bigger than
expected so shell handle part of that wile I handle
things as planned. 

I can also in that confirm head count is still increasing in
speed though we passed 10 000 answers. We are going towards
as it seems much more. 

I would not be surprised if we direct from hour one will have
50 - 70 k streetwarriors. 

That makes me to the worlds 10 largest commander in chief. 

I think. Nah I gueeseed. Not sure. But it is some fucking big
army we are heading towards. Very very big and strong. 
Might be the words third largest maybe. Can some one look into
it. Good please report back also on how we are similar to the top ten
in other wy.s 

Well itr might hold moral value for themm to compare as to such when
we starting breaking. 

We got these nice orange flags. 

On sticks. We need more as it is. Cause well we are to many. 

Could I gget one sent to my duaghter also for herr and other kids
their.  It might be like amusing for them and like fun having
one left for them if things go bad. If possible so they
can have one each at least hte once collected their. With xtra
to distribute out t others loosing their parents in the battle. 

Thank you.  I am so happy junior we got u to come help us.
I haved like no idea on how to manage these things u oddo.
We good in plenty but never their in such. I cant exrpess enough
have happy it still makes. I almost cried when we heard u would help
us with stiuff. 
[Junior is Jolly good.]


Listen all. Junior is fixing extra of the flags for us.

They are short on top and bottom and got a nice big

We will have them regular in the lines. 

Also we are getting extra for more or less all kids left 
home that are out side and at least we hence for that I say 200 - 300 flags. 

On the assumption count want go higher than 55 +++ but if
so we can get more ifc it increase faster outwside china fo rsome

But more or less well we will et them flags also but 
i can not transport to much unnnessary direct into it 
so we take in the flags for the fighters but not others.

Every kid who loose one or both get a fdlag though. 

Good for them to get some thing to remember their parent with. 

Yeah other things also. I sat up a fund last year wiht
around 2 billions for a pay out to people loosing their
life in armed fuight against,. 

Well more genral as it is but it is for our fighters dying her. 

Cant have u all fighting worrying about that.

:-D haoppy donated by my first daughter :-D


Funny u ask. I am actualy happy with it. Waqs almost tormented
to death of her fighting he olines in front. 

Now this sdhe come with me on on me plkan feels nice. I feel
very relaxed about jumping now. I would love to hjump with ehr
seems fun and interresting now. 

It is jkust likke a sleep so good when she here the few times.

Life isnt worth much when u are3nt with her. 


It it irritates me people do value their woman enough.
That increseas their own human value the same way as it means
per fedfition b y the brain you worth a lot. 

It sets it to it more or less as proven. 

Me I value her plenty so i worry plenty when she isn' t with

I would love to war here just to get to meet here good for
a few days :-D

Having sex on the airplan and such. 

But we will see what the information we are waiting for says. 

She dfid but this one are one she arent taking the babe
Oh sorry when, Not sure what they called at different
ageswith her to.  

well doesnt chang ebut  mcuh and even less if so cant carry
it all the timem 

nah she want. but i just wanted it underline so well no 
confusing if she comes turnin up with well some 
well kid and so some how. '

 staying their until i come and we go go

well she is going out to her now.

well ghead count gotta go clear and i need the info to decide,.
but i say i give 20%  we go go so that is pretty high. 

I for sure want to. Cause I wanna have sex in sa small
aircraft carrier with me big girl. 
[Vår president och  min hustru där jag i princip tillsatt henne som president.]
And jump in the water. 
[Känner heller inte för att hoppa ner i vattnet]


Listen all this poet we got who is done with his normal thing.

Everyone with a kid can talk to him and he write  an ice
pem about your quality to send with the flag if you die. 
[Alla får ett dödspoem att skicka till deras barn om de skulle

It is an order you all do. Cause if we fail a new geneation
need to be able to step up and this will help them if it 
take vey long. General order.
[En rationell förklaring finns också varför det är viktigt.]


We also got from the english chocklate of a finer sort. 
Also some other stuff. 

So that you all can turn to to have sent to some one as
devailt no matter things. 

Might be good for some one to eat of while u gone. 
Even if u return. 
[Gotta humor the home front. Choklad ska ju vara bra.]

U collect up int eh arms and when me second here will fix it
for you. 


It is pralines. Also some sort of choklate ball. With smaller
harder cholate on. sEome liger sugar poweder. 

And stuff. 

It is like standard choklate for officers during war times.
It is very good. Thery do not quite use it I think but have. 
Like an expesive chokalte. Ver nice one. 
[Vad jag satt och åt. Men från en butik här då.]

Nah it is fresh done. Did it extra for us from the same one. 
Yeah they still buy it but they sell it nowe a days to people
in like not wneding machines but like over a door with a wood
thing. They did atleast when I visited them 2007 and got it and
i thought like this is a fantastic good choclate like a very
expensive one sheap and they gott buy a lot of it so pehaps
kithis could be gooe for us some time so i asked junior today
if we could get some of this chocklate t send to children or romantic
relations left when u go and they can eat it and feel perhaps
a bit better. 


Colonel Z please take command. 


Oh i so miss u. 


She looks good?

So when did u leacve being therir so soon.

Well yeah well. wll u usuallyy ge tu way. It is as it should
be I think being the more clear minded of us. 

ooooba oba 

well i shall go and watch the boats if it is not to soon or to

Well the gupsises with their fun beer cultuiral and 
puking cultural might still be their.

they usuall all come in here drinking beer. Making noise. 

ha ha, nah i ti is not it is the dumb kids alike all
problems. Students. 
[Djävla ungdomar med sin förbannade rock musik och skit]

 ha ha

ha ha. u thought it gupsis. nah they never cause any roblem.
Stand all day for 10 hours playing tunes.

[Talar med presidenten. Diskussionerna kan bli lite förvirrade vilket är poängen givet att han också har rollen som min hustru. Vi gillar dock sammanblandningen. Ger oss frihet att fatta beslut o.s.v.] 

Do u got any flags their yet. 

h< ha he did did he. Well he hired th eone who did it.

It is ment to take in component from all opf thm. From differen
parts and history. So it gotta a part red with the star rhing, one
opf the hong kong, shanghai, the inland things, the ol
empire, the english and so on. All of them. 

Our bvattle flag isd simpler though. 
You will see. That i made it. It is for marchng feets.

So what she got like the whole bed made in the lag. How odd. 
he is so fun. 

How hapopyy i am. It is good to know he will take a bit
care of her if needed. 


Lover u too

U got this candy coming for them also. 

He did did he? Well I shapp buy me somd thing good also. 

Perhaps not that thoiugh. 

WWell perhaps. 

Ice cream and wiped crime- WEith berries. Sure soudns good.

No sign of allrgy from the berries?

Yes he is so nice. Always been their for us no matter education,
needing a training groud, rooms, a place to hid or some ting

Sure it is big and so but also just due to othat one is also
more visible i think. At leasst being more or less several
hundred peopple their last year.