Rekommenderad bok: Speech and Language Processing


Nedan en recension (med betyget 5) jag skrev på Google Books för boken Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition | Google Books av Dan Jurafsky och James H. Martin (i samband med att jag var in för att ersätta mitt trasiga register med Books). Mer om boken på dess hemsida: SPEECH and LANGUAGE PROCESSING | University of Colorado Boulder. Och efter citatet av min recension kompletterat med två bilder av aktuell bok.

"I have a rather large reference library - very even large - and in it's most important area - the area regarding language, neurolinguistics, psychology, neuroscience, information science, semantics, syntax theory, human perception, signs, different languages, media, propaganda and so on containing in closer to indicated rather narrow (as I choose the books for this part) around 200 good quality books (and more not sorted with the rest but keept).

No book have I used so many times to look up things and that though I never (but perhaps a few) looked up anything in the chapters regarding speech processing (but a one or two pages regarding mahalanobis distance (as part of a sub project to a much bigger project unifing it as used in speech synth with it's use in mri and text mining and extraction).

The result is that the book is starting to fall to pieces though not yet two years ago. Almost all of the register is gone and in the front it start at 21.

Until I get a new one I will hence some times have to use Google Books to get the right pages.

Edit: I should though point out that I doubt it is a suitable book for a short course. Rather it would be suitable as part of perhaps three courses together with simpler more narrow books. If learned correctly that way it will provide years of happy productive language processing. If anything I find the idea of it used in an early course a bit amusing thinking of the hate and dislike the students would have for it.

Förr kunde jag av och till uppleva obehag när en uppskattad bok tog skada. Jag har emellertid accepterat den mycket mer konstruktiva utgångspunkten att böcker jag köper som verktyg använder jag som verktyg utan hänsyn till deras hälsa. Går böckerna åt så att säga är de användbara och jag köper ett nytt exemplar om så krävs. Det fungerar bra med min personlighet.