
Brand building - Sverige

Trump är troligt i Google News mycket högt i räckvidd via primärt ej sökord (vilka förvisso säkert är stora) så mycket som prenumerationer liggande kvar post-valet, det faktum att han gör mycket genererande nyheter vilket täcker upp default ämnen i Google News start-sida, samt exponering via sökord / topics (jag har ej reflekterat över algoritm här) som visat Top Stories. Så självklart fruktfullt område för att skapa synlighet på andra politiska symboler / varumärken m.m. som för Sverige nedan:

För Sweden som varumärke är det här verkligen sekundärt vad det handlar om så länge man ej upplevs direkt kontroversiell. Eller som ovan avseende personer som kanske ej håller med ej också upplevs höra till "the tonged" som kan bära vittnesmål. D.v.s. en kvinna som ovan kan göra detta utan att någon som helst varaktig negativ-verkan kommer ligga oavsett vad någon som nås tycker medan positivt värde exponering varumärke kvarstår (ej olikt propaganda-effekt). En kvinna kan bära vittnesmål om kvinnornas oförrätter och i kontext av ett övergripande koncepten män och kvinna ej inverka övergripande negativt (dock självklart: Så möjligt kvinnor allmänt eller den specifika individen som man bär vittnesmål om - D.v.s. notera bär ex. kvinnan vittnesmål som minister eller liknande Sverige om Sverige rörande ex. risker för kvinnor Sverige gäller ej detta därför att hon vittnar mot det gemensamma om en risk och bredare indikerar vi en konkret risk för vilken som helst situation rent allmänt träder alla möjliga tänkbara undantag in - risker är lite speciellt rörande vad de kan inverka på och hur långt ifrån annars "rimligt" avstånd eller sannolikhet).

Bishop Bedwin was wishing he had not invited the child into the hall. He dragged his fingers through his beard, then shook his head wearily. "A child's word carries no weight in law," he said plaintively. "A child is not among the Tongued-ones." The Tongued-ones were the nine witnesses whose word carried the weight of truth in law: a Lord, a Druid, a priest, a father speaking of his children, a magistrate, a gift-giver speaking of his gift, a maiden speaking of her virginity, a herdsman speaking of his animals and a condemned man speaking his final words. Nowhere in the list was there any mention of a child speaking of her family's massacre. "Lord Owain," Bishop Bed win pointed out to Tristan, 'is a Tongued-one."

Från: The Winter King: A Novel of Arthur, Bernard Cornwell

Vi ska dock korrekt se det som att fler för situation kan bära vittnesmål än de som de tidiga britterna ansåg uppfylla kraven.

Arthur definierar löst krigarens syfte som han ser det varefter han efter att fått sanningen i vittnesmålet delvis bekräftat av den mycket yngre Derfel avgör frågan genom sanningen genom envig med Owain (resp, är två allmänt sedda som stora krigare från vilket vi förstår vikten av att mer än sitt syfte reflektera hur ens skicklighet såväl som tur kan stärkas).

He shook his head. "To fight battles, Derfel," he corrected me, 'on behalf of people who can't fight for themselves. I learned that in Brittany. This miserable world is full of weak people, powerless people, hungry people, sad people, sick people, poor people, and it's the easiest thing in the world to despise the weak, especially if you're a soldier.

If you're a warrior and you want a man's daughter, you just take her; you want his land, you just kill him; after all, you're a soldier and you have a spear and a sword, and he's just a poor weak man with a broken plough and a sick ox and what's to stop you?"


"But the truth is, Derfel," Arthur said when we reached the high platform, 'that we are only soldiers because that weak man makes us soldiers. He grows the grain that feeds us, he tans the
leather that protects us and he polls the ash trees that make our spear-shafts. We owe him our service."


"There is a purpose to all things," Arthur said, 'even being a soldier." He smiled at me, as though apologizing for being so earnest, yet he had no need to be apologetic for I was drinking in his words. I had dreamed of becoming a soldier because of a warrior's high status and because it had always seemed to me that it was better to carry a spear than a rake, but I had never thought beyond those selfish ambitions. Arthur had thought far beyond and he brought to Dumnonia a clear vision of where his sword and spear must take him.

"We have a chance' Arthur leaned on the high rampart as he spoke 'to make a Dumnonia in which we can serve our people. We can't give them happiness, and I don't know how to guarantee a good harvest that will make them rich, but I do know that we can make them safe, and a safe man, a man who knows that his children will grow without being taken for slaves and his daughter's bride price won't be ruined by a soldier's rape, is a man more likely to be happy than a man living under the threat of war. Is that fair?"